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Impossible Quiz Answers 2 - Detailed Walkthrough and Answers

Take the Impossible Quiz 2 Take the Impossible Quiz Impossible Quiz 1 AnswersMore Quiz Games

This was a collaboration from different people emailing me the answers. Thanks!! If you need more help or better answering to the questions email me at

1-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 101-120 

101. Type "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
102. Drag away all the pictures, then click chris' face
103. Red
104. Clean the windows. I usually use the fuse stopper. z.
105. Click the switch behind the question number
106. Remove the eye of the left thing and put it one the metal thing in the middle, then drag the ball in the hand into the place where the eye originally was
107. A question from this quiz will come out. Click where the answer can be found for that question.
108. Follow the green arrow (it's best to rmb the path)
109. Graphite
110. Click the red squares
112. Drag the can of food to the can opener. Use the mouse to operate the can opener by going round and round. When the can is open, drag it to the dish
113. Click the colour of "nicest"
114. Use the left and right keys of the keyboard to brush the teeth
115. Caturday
116. Drag the shapes into the box
117. A question from Giucob�s impossible quiz.
118. don't do anything
119. type "horse", then "peanut" then "chihuahua"
120. Changes each time I think. You need to pay attention...

1-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 101-120 

Take the Impossible Quiz 2